zondag 24 januari 2010

AdvButton, a button library for the Arduino platform

I've decided to create a library for using buttons on the Arduino platform. See also http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/AdvButton.


  1. Event based implementation
  2. Recording the time a button is pressed
  3. Adjustable repeat delay, start delay for the keypressed event
  4. requires only a single call in the main loop

Download, install and import

Download here: Attach:AdvButton.zip
Extract the folder AdvButton under /hardware/libraries/. (Re)start the Arduino application and select from the menu bar: "Sketch->Import Library->AdvButton". The following lines should be added: 

#include < AdvButton.h >
#include < ButtonManager.h >
See the file buttondemo.pde, included in the zip, for an example.


After importing the header files, declare the buttons:

#define PINBUTTON1 2
#define PINBUTTON2 3

#define PINLIGHT1 8
#define PINLIGHT2 9

AdvButton but1 = AdvButton(PINBUTTON1,OnKeyPressBut1,100,1000);
AdvButton but2 = AdvButton(PINBUTTON2,NULL,OnKeyDownBut2,OnKeyUpBut2);
Button 1 will generate a keypress event upon pressing the button at pin 2. After a short delay (1000 milliseconds), every 100 milliseconds the keypress event is raise again. Until the button is released.
Button 2 will generate a keydown event upon pressing the button at pin 3. After releasing the button a keyup event is raised.
Next we need to define the event functions. The triggering button is passed as parameter.

void OnKeyPressBut1(AdvButton* but)

void OnKeyDownBut2(AdvButton* but)


void OnKeyUpBut2(AdvButton* but)
Last is the adding a call to the buttonmanager to update the button states:

void loop()

1 opmerking:

  1. Hy, I found your job wonderful. I' creating a Auto light for my home.
    I need your help:

    Does it is possible to implement a debounce for the input pin (PINBUTTON)?
    It would be fantastic if it is possible to have a option in your library so it is possible to decide a time different for every input pin.

    I hope that you understand what I mean, sorry for my bad english.

    Any Ideas to do that?
